Matthew Green

G. O. s. C Registered Osteopath





Professional Osteopathy

Osteopathic evaluation and treatment is based on viewing the body as a whole - i.e. how the integration of the body's structures (bones, joints, ligaments, discs, muscles, tendons and nerves) function with each other within the body's system. A breakdown of the normal working patterns of the body (unique to each person) causes these structures to dysfunction and become painful.


Who is Matthew Green?

Matthew graduated from the European School of Osteopathy in 1996 and later set up his practice in Harston in 2000. Since then, he has helped his clients from across Kent and Cambridgeshire resolve numerous back, neck, shoulder and joint related pains. He has worked extensively in both the public and private sectors with relations to the National Health Service and is registered with the BUPA Association, who provide private healthcare around the globe. He also has ties with the AXA Health subsidiary PPP Healthcare and the UK Health Security Agency to ensure he complies with all standardised procedures.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathic evaluation and treatment is based on viewing the body as a whole - i.e. how the integration of the body's structures (bones, joints, ligaments, discs, muscles, tendons and nerves) function with each other within the body's system. A breakdown of the normal working patterns of the body (unique to each person) causes these structures to dysfunction and become painful.

An osteopath assesses each patient's individual, normal mechanical working pattern and by gentle manipulation of the bones and soft tissue structures, works to remove restrictions which may be impeding joint mobility, blood flow, nerve supply or muscular activity.

More information can be found at the following websites:

University College of OsteopathyOsteopathic Centre for ChildrenGeneral Osteopathic Council

How can osteopathy help me?

Affecting four out of five people at some time in their lives, backache (often referred to as Lumbago) is the most common complaint treated by osteopaths. In most cases, backache is caused by over-straining the structural components in the back. Most cases, whilst painful, are not serious if seen to promptly.
Neck and shoulder tension caused by stress or by activities such as sitting at a VDU all day, normally responds well to osteopathic treatment.
Joint and muscle strain
Osteopaths are often associated with treating back pain. However osteopaths can treat joint and muscle strain in any part of the body including the hips, legs, knees, ankles, feet, wrist, elbows, shoulders arms and ribs.
Sports injuries
Osteopathic treatment can benefit sports men and women at all levels. If you are eager to get back to your sport quickly after injury, or have a problem which is preventing you from performing at your best, osteopathic treatment can help you reach your peak level of fitness.
Responsible for a great change in posture, pregnancy can cause back and discomfort. Many women find gentle osteopathic treatment can bring great relief. Although most osteopaths are not against using medication, osteopathic treatment can help avoid the use of drugs altogether.
After surgery
Osteopaths can help patients, particularly those whose movement has been affected by surgery.
This refers to irritation of the sciatic nerve that supplies the leg. However it is often used to describe any pain in the leg, whatever the cause, whether the it is related to circulation, pain referred from a back injury, trauma or nerve irritation. The most common causes of sciatica can usually be successfully treated by an osteopath.
Normal wear and tear of the joint surface can result in arthritis or osteoarthritis. This kind of damage is not to be confused with some cases of arthritis that are caused by a disease affecting the joint surface. Osteoarthritis is a normal process associated with ageing. Usually the symptoms do not start until much later in life, if at all, and normally lead to some restriction in movement of the joints, plus some muscular aches and pains often referred to as rheumatism. Osteopathic treatment cannot reverse the wear and tear of the joint surface, but in most cases, can offer advice on other factors, such as lifestyle, which may help with long term relief from the symptoms associated with arthritis.
Repetitive Strain Injury
Also known as RSI, this condition is commonly associated with people who work with computer keyboards for prolonged periods of time, but also includes injuries such as ‘tennis elbow' and ‘shin splints'. Osteopathic treatment can benefit these conditions, particularly when treated early.

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